UDK 81’322 Stručni rad Rukopis primljen 30. IX. 2019. Prihvaćen za tisak 29. XI. 2019. doi.org/10.31724/rihjj.46.2.8 Radovan Garabík Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Panská 26, SK-81101 Bratislava radovan.garabik@kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora as a Powerful Lexicographic Tool The Aranea Project offers a set of comparable corpora for two dozens of (mostly European) languages providing a convenient dataset for NLP applications that require training on large amounts of data. The article presents word embedding models trained on the Aranea corpora and an online interface to query the models and visualize the results. The implementation is aimed towards lexicographic use but can be also useful in other fields of linguistic study since the vector space is a plausible model of semantic space of word meanings. Three different models are available – one for a combination of part of speech and lemma, one for raw word forms, and one based on FastText algorithm uses subword vectors and is not limited to whole or known words in finding their semantic relations. The article is describing the interface and major modes of its functionality; it does not try to perform detailed linguistic analysis of presented examples. 1. Introduction The Aranea Project (Benko 2014) offers a set of comparable corpora for two dozen of (mostly European) languages providing a convenient dataset for NLP applications that require training on large amounts of data. The corpora are built using the same methodology and compatible natural language processing tools and are available via NoSketch Engine interface (Rychlý 2007) at the web page of the project1. 1 http://aranea.juls.savba.sk 603 Garabik.indd 603 4.11.2020. 11:07:56 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 Word embeddings is a collective name for various methods of representing words as vectors within a many-dimensional vector space. Although first mentioned as a theoretical concept in (Harris 1954), it gained momentum with the publication and open-sourcing of the word2vec software (Mikolov et al. 2013), and currently is an indispensable part of many NLP related tasks and processes. It is supported by several mature OpenSource frameworks, in particular, gensim (Řehůřek and Sojka 2010) is rather popular with researchers preferring the Python programming language – this framework is also used to generate our vector models. The vector space and the relation of words represented by vectors within is connected with more abstract semantic meanings of the words and their relations. Our work presents an online accessible interface for vector models for main languages in the Aranea corpora to be used in lexicographic work. The implementation is somewhat Slovak-centric in the sense that some features are either available only for Slovak, or their implementation for other languages is not tuned for coverage or accuracy. This is understandable, since the implementation is geared towards use in Slovak lexicography, and indirectly because of the state of the art lemmatization (Garabík 2006) used in the Slovak corpora. The models use automatic detection of bigrams, which aids to the lexicographic description of multiword expressions (though there are better tools available for collocation analysis, so this is useful in a supplemental role only). There is a possibility to filter out-of-dictionary lemmas, which is useful in uncovering non-obvious meanings of existing words. Otherwise, the lemmas obtained by statistical and heuristic guesser can be erroneous, but their inclusion often displays unexpected relations between words not covered by existing dictionaries (this does not exclusively cover only neologisms). 2. Vector models At the time of writing, there are usable vector models for 22 languages and three more language models are in the test phase. Because of the aim to a provide useful resource for lexicographic work, we provide a special vector model (Slovak ll in table 1) using very low threshold for word frequency in the corpus (10 occurrences in the corpus), while other corpora use variable threshold, 604 Garabik.indd 604 4.11.2020. 11:07:56 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora depending on the size of the corpus (20 for the smallest corpora, 400 for the biggest ones). Although such a low threshold brings a lot of “noise” (uncommon typos, mislemmatized entries, errors in tokenization, foreign language citations etc.) into the results, it also helps to uncover rare, but relevant semantic relations or synonyms. The models use a context window 7 words wide and the skip-gram training algorithm. Table 1: Overview of language models and their source corpora language corpus corpus size Arabic Araneum Arabicum 978 M Bulgarian Araneum Bulgaricum 1.2 G Chinese (simplified)# Hanku 1.2 G Croatian hrWaC v2.0 1.9 G Czech Araneum Bohemicum 5.2 G Dutch Araneum Nederlandicum 1.2 G English Araneum Anglicum 11.4 G Estonian Araneum Estonicum 430 M Finnish Araneum Finnicum 1.2 G French Araneum Francogallicum 8.7 G German Araneum Germanicum 9.1 G Hungarian Araneum Hungaricum 1.2 G Italian Araneum Italicum 1.2 G Latin Araneum Latinum 109 M Latvian Araneum Lettonicum 671 M Polish Araneum Polonicum 1.2 G Portuguese Araneum Portugallicum 1.2 G Russian 29.7 G Slovene Omnia Russica Araneum Slovacum + prim-8.0juls-all Araneum Slovacum + prim-8.0juls-all slWaC v2.1 895 M Spanish Araneum Hispanicum 1.2 G Swedish Araneum Suedicum 1.2 G * Slovak Slovak ll& 4.6 G 4.6 G 605 Garabik.indd 605 4.11.2020. 11:07:57 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 * not lemmatized, wordform model serves as a fallback when the lemmata model is selected # lemmatization not applicable, the lemmata model differs from the wordform one only by the background presence of part of speech information (Gajdoš, Garabík and Benická 2016) & differs from the baseline Slovak model by using substantially lower threshold for word occurrence (frequency) Test models language Georgian Norwegian$ Romanian $ corpus Araneum Georgianum Araneum Norvegicum Araneum Dacoromanicum corpus size 254 M 1.6 G 1.2 G mixture of Nynorsk and Bokmål Traditionally, to quantify semantic difference in word embeddings, cosine similarity is used – words close in meanings have their vectors almost parallel (angle θ between them close to zero and cos 0 = 1), unrelated words almost perpendicular (right angle, and cos π/2 = 0). Our users, however, prefer to align their spatial intuition with the semantic space model and think of semantically “close” words as “near” in the spatial sense and “unrelated” words as “far” in the spatial sense, therefore we define “semantic difference” as √(1–cos2 θ) = sin θ, being close to zero for near-synonyms and close to one for unrelated words. For most languages, there are three different models available: the model trained on the combination of part of speech and lemmas, the model trained on word forms, and a FastText model (Mikolov et al. 2018). Common linguistic preprocessing in all the models includes text normalization, deduplication, boilerplate removal, tokenization, and sentence level segmentation (Benko 2014). The model trained on the combination of part of speech and lemmas (called lemmata model in this article) is trained on the sequence of the combination of part of speech (tagged by Araneum Universal Tagset Version 1.0) and lemmatized tokens. We keep the uppercase lemmas in the capitalization that is “natural” for the language in question. In particular, proper names in almost all languages and German nouns are capitalized. This helps in keeping casual users from the undue cognitive load, while allowing to distinguish homonymous common and proper names (and, in the case of German, nouns from other parts of speech). The model over lemmas loses information regarding inflected forms (and by implication, perhaps interesting syntactical features), but users generally expect to enter lemmas, and it is the lemmas that carry semantic information. 606 Garabik.indd 606 4.11.2020. 11:07:57 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora The main disadvantage of this model is that it exposes errors in lemmatization, particularly if the queried word was not known to the morphological database or is lemmatized incorrectly. The model trained on word forms is the closest to commonplace word embedding usage. However, we normalize the capitalization of tokens according to their predominant capitalization (more than 90% of occurrences in the corpus at positions 1) not at the beginning of the sentence and 2) not immediately after direct speech punctuation, such as quotes or dashes). The model is otherwise independent of an existing linguistic annotation, therefore it is not tainted by eventual systematic errors or shortcomings of existing tools (especially systematic errors in lemmatization are known to skew the results significantly), and can be used even if other NLP processing components are not available for a given language. The FastText model uses sub-word character n-gram vectors for certain values of n, added to the main word vector, calculated over the space of case normalized word forms. This model captures intra-word information and allows calculation of vectors for the input of words not present in the training corpora. This model is especially useful in searching for compound words or for languages with many such compounds (such as German) or querying for substandard or erroneous inputs. As a convenient side effect, the semantic closeness of the vectors extends to morphemes within words, which is especially visible if there are otherwise no close synonyms to the input. 3. User interface Conceptually, the web interface (available at https://www.juls.savba.sk/semä. html) consists of several modules, and we strive to provide the most streamlined user experience possible. This is translated into the exact functionality being determined by user input, without additional (or visible) options. The input consists of two query fields, one for positive words (normalized sum of the corresponding vectors), one for negative words (sum of these vectors will be subtracted from the positive ones). The negative word field is hidden by default and is exposed when the user moves the mouse pointer over the “minus” 607 Garabik.indd 607 4.11.2020. 11:07:57 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 sign. The words should be separated by spaces or plus signs. It is also possible to enter negative words into the positive input field if prefixed by the minus sign – this way effectively constructing a simple arithmetic expression. The following options are available: − the model, one of lemmata, wordform, fasttext − known lexicon filter (only for Slovak and only for the lemmata model) − visualization method The result of the query consists of three fields: − informational message − lexical similarities table − visualization The “informational message” field contains optional messages for the user, mostly about the status of the server (e.g. the backend is not working, the server is overloaded), or if an unknown word has been queried. In case of a successful query (no error and the queried word is known to the model), the lexical similarities table and the visualization is displayed. The lexical similarities table consists of three columns, the first one shows the similarity coefficient (rounded to three decimal places), the second column the word (semantically close to the query) and the third column links to external resources, with a letter-like symbol denoting the type of link. 608 Garabik.indd 608 4.11.2020. 11:07:57 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora Figure 1: Example of the user interface From top to bottom, left to right, there are these elements: language selector (hr), model selection (wordform), visualization selection (Gnuplot), input field (Zagreb), informational message (“cached”), lexical similarities table (with the columns containing semantic difference, word, raw count in the corpus, hyperlinks to external sources), and the visualization field. The links to external resources are (together with the hyperlink symbols): − link to the Aranea corpus2, version Minus; a − link to the Aranea corpus, version Maximum (if available; otherwise Maius; requires registration); A − link to the Google search3 for the word, restricted to the top level domain typical for the language4; G − link to English language Wiktionary5 entry for the word; W − link to the Slovak National Corpus search interface6 (only for the Slovak language; requires registration); P http://aranea.juls.savba.sk https://google.com 4 With the following exceptions: Arabic, English, Georgian and Latin are not restricted; German is restricted to the .de, .at and .ch domains; Portuguese is restricted to the .pt, .br, .ao and .mz domains; Russian is restricted to the .su, .ru, .by, .бел and .рф domains. 5 https://en.wiktionary.org 6 https://bonito.korpus.sk 2 3 609 Garabik.indd 609 4.11.2020. 11:07:57 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 − link to the Slovak Dictionary Portal7 (only for the Slovak language); S − link to Yandex Search8 (only for the Russian language); Я − link to the search interface of the Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française9 (only for the French language); F − link to the hrWaC corpus search interface10 (only for the Croatian language); C − link to the slWaC corpus search interface11 (only for the Slovene language); C − link to the Slovene dictionary portal Fran12 (only for the Slovene language); F The individual words in the semantic similarities table are hypertext linked to a query of that word using the same language model and options. The number of rows (returned results) can be increased by clicking on the down arrow symbol at the bottom of the table. 4. Visualization The visualization is especially important in quickly providing information about semantic clusters or the relation of semantically close words to the queried word. We are using the ISOMAP method of dimensionality reduction (Tenenbaum, De Silva and Langford 2000) to get a presentable scatter-like graph of the semantic neighborhood of the query. We are using reduction to two dimensions for the basic graph, reduction to three dimensions for a three-dimensional graph (displayed in 2D projection), and since there are people able to conceptualize and perceive four spatial dimensions (Francis and Brinkmann 2009), there is also a possibility to display a four dimensional graph, as a colour-coded 3D graph projected to a 2D screen. 7 8 9 10 11 12 https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk https://yandex.ru https://academie.atilf.fr http://nl.ijs.si/noske/all.cgi/first_form?corpname=hrwac http://nl.ijs.si/noske/all.cgi/first_form?corpname=slwac https://fran.si 610 Garabik.indd 610 4.11.2020. 11:07:58 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora The graphs in SVG format are produced by the Gnuplot13 software (Janert 2010), running on the server. Gunplot is a mature, well-established visualization multiplatform software with a rich set of capabilities, and its batch-like mode makes integrating into a web-centric interface rather straightforward and effortless. The software is also very efficient and generating the graphs takes a virtually negligible amount of resources. The raw dimensionality reduced coordinates in Gnuplot format are given as a link (⚙), providing the Gnuplotenabled users with the ability to pan, zoom and rotate the graphs (though rotation is possible only in planes perpendicular to the ana-kata axis). Users can also use the raw data in the visualization or other statistical software of their choice. There are also two additional visualization modules available, providing two different word clouds – a static image14 and a dynamic rotating sphere15. These are provided purely for demonstration or illustrative purposes. 5. Usage Examples 5.1. Near Synonyms Perhaps the most basic application of the interface is as an extensive collection of thesauri in various languages, each of them displaying not only synonyms of the queried word, but also quantifying the semantic difference of the synonym (in the lexical similarities table). In the visualization field, we can immediately spot prominent clusters of semantically similar words, which can bring new insights into semantic relations and behavior. Table 2: Semantic similarities table for the query djevojka, Croatian lemmata model 0.000 0.346 0.420 13 14 15 djevojka mladić djevojčica 130074 50694 57120 http://gnuplot.info Based on wordcloud2.js software, https://wordcloud2-js.timdream.org. Based on jsTagSphere software, http://jstagsphere.sf.net. 611 Garabik.indd 611 4.11.2020. 11:07:58 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 0.502 0.508 0.509 0.516 0.531 0.536 0.549 0.574 dečko curiti dječak cura muškarac žena momak ljepotica 99050 24738 57554 35098 233772 670474 42770 12390 Figure 2: 2D visualization of the query djevojka. Several semantic clusters are visible Table 3: Semantic similarities table for the query kralj, Croatian lemmata model 0.000 0.511 0.541 0.564 0.625 0.635 0.641 0.644 0.665 0.690 kralj vladar car knez kraljica prijestolje Petr_i. gospodar princ vitez 83678 24612 26474 10444 28280 8526 70 25802 12992 14742 612 Garabik.indd 612 4.11.2020. 11:07:58 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora 0.696 Pipin_Mali 112 Figure 3: 3D visualization of the query kralj. Several semantic clusters are visible 5.2. Vector Arithmetic Since we have the words represented as vectors in a multidimensional Euclidean16 space, we can perform simple vector arithmetic (addition and subtraction) corresponding to addition and subtraction of meanings of the words in the traditional sense. The usual example used to demonstrate word embedding arithmetic is to subtract the masculinity from the word king, add femininity and get the word queen, using the equation: king + woman – man = queen (1) which we demonstrate on the Croatian model, i. e. the equation will be of the form: kralj + žena – muškarac = x (2) First, the semantic space around the single query kralj is show in Table 3 and Figure 4; we can recognize several semantic groups, e.g. that of important European kings (Henrik II, Ludovik II, Pipin Mali, Fridrik II – bottom group), 16 Not necessarily Euclidean; using other metrics (e.g. Manhattan or general Ln-norm) could emphasise or suppress various aspects of semantic differences. However, the interpretation of various norms is difficult and the relation to inherent linguistic properties is opaque, other metrics are therefore not used and the discussion of them is beyond the scope of this article. 613 Garabik.indd 613 4.11.2020. 11:07:58 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 important Croatian/Bosnian rulers (Stjepan Tvrtko, Stjepan Držislav – upper group), other titles and rulers (gospodar, ban, vojvoda, car, princ, kraljica – in the middle of the graph) and several semantically less connected, solitary words (prijestolje, kraljevski). Table 4: The most similar vectors to the query x = kralj + žena – muškarac 0.193 0.608 0.621 0.642 0.649 0.661 0.684 0.688 0.698 0.699 0.711 0.987 kralj kraljica knez vladar Petr_i. car prijestolje dvor Pipin_Mali krunidba vitez ... žena 83678 28280 10444 24612 70 26474 8526 19908 112 658 14742 670474 Table 5: The most similar vectors to the query x = premijer + žena – muškarac 0.201 0.472 0.493 0.523 0.537 0.538 0.540 0.553 0.580 0.585 0.598 0.978 premijer premijerka vlada Jadranka_Kosor premijerka_Jadranka Ivo_Sanader Zoran_Milanović Kosor premijerka_Kosor potpredsjednik_vlada Iva_Sanader ... žena 105350 18732 401842 29904 7882 14840 19544 32200 5390 12096 12796 670474 614 Garabik.indd 614 4.11.2020. 11:07:58 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora The results of equation (2) nearest to the calculated vector x are in Table 4. Unsurprisingly, the nearest word not equal to the input is kraljica, with other vectors being close because of their closeness to kralj (in other words, there are no other clearly feminine near-synonyms). Note that we calculate the semantic difference relative to the vector x and always include all the input words with positive arithmetic signs in the results, to give the user an idea of how really close is the result to the words presented in the table. This alleviates some of the concerns risen in (Nissim et al. 2019)17. The connecting lines in the visualization graph originate at the position of the vector x as well; however, their length is necessarily distorted and generally does not correspond to the semantic closeness. Also, note that the word nearest to the x of equation (2) happens to be kralj itself; kraljica is the second nearest. In modern times, of course, a monarchy is not typical for Croatia, and we do not expect so many texts about monarchies in the web corpus. We thus repeat the query with a more modern example: premijer + žena – muškarac = x (3) The results are in Table 5; as expected, the nearest word (apart from premijer itself) is premijerka, but we also see several close proper names, most prominently (feminine) Jadranka Kosor18. The table also incidentally illustrates automatic bigram detection – all the bigrams (Jadranka Kosor, premijerka Jadranka, Ivo Sanader, etc.) were automatically inferred from the corpus data; and errors in the lemmatization – Iva Sanader is such an error19. It also demonstrates the closeness (in the abstract semantic space, which our vector space is hopefully a reasonably adequate model of) of proper nouns to common nouns. The idea to originate the connecting lines in the visualization at the resulting vector (and not the nearest word) and to include semantic closeness between this origin and original words in the tables has been inspired by (Nissim et al. 2019), brought to our attention by the anonymous reviewer of this article. We are also grateful for the comments provided by the reviewer. 18 Prime minister of Croatia from 2009 to 2011. 19 The correct lemma is Ivo Sanader. 17 615 Garabik.indd 615 4.11.2020. 11:07:58 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 603–618 Figure 4: 2D visualization of the query premijer + žena – muškarac; connecting lines originate at the vector representing the arithmetic result 5.3. Quantification of Semantic Difference Another mode of operation is activated automatically if exactly two terms are entered into the positive query field, and it calculates and displays semantic difference, defined as sin θ, where θ is the angle between the two vectors. To illustrate the results, Table 6 contains several pairs of synonyms, not quite synonyms and also word pairs with a rather low semantic difference that are however not considered synonyms in the traditional sense at all. Table 6: Quantification of semantic differences for several word pairs first word kralj kralj kralj lingvistika premijer apoteka tri osam euro Beč Slovačka second word premijer knez car jezikoslovlje predsjednik ljekarna dva sedam kuna Budimpešta Češka sin θ 0.885 0.564 0.541 0.661 0.628 0.427 0.162 0.120 0.327 0.339 0.240 616 Garabik.indd 616 4.11.2020. 11:07:59 Radovan Garabík: Word Embedding Based on Large-Scale Web Corpora 6. Conclusion Word embedding is an indispensable method in modern Natural Language Processing. By presenting simple, yet powerful web-accessible interface to various word vector models build upon the Aranea corpora family, we hope to bridge the gap between contemporary NLP and traditional linguistic and lexicographic research and allow lexicographers to consult the rich information that word embeddings trained on huge corpora can provide. References Benko, Vladimír. 2014. Aranea: Yet Another Family of (Comparable) Web Corpora. Text, Speech and Dialogue. 17th International Conference, TSD 2014. Eds. Sojka, Petra et al. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Brno. 257–264. Erjavec, Tomaž; Ljubešić, Nikola; Logar, Nataša. 2015. The slWaC corpus of the Slovene Web. Informatica: an international journal of computing and informatics 39/1. 35–42. Francis, George K.; Brinkmann, Peter. 2009. Human four-dimensional spatial intuition in virtual reality. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16/5. 818–823. Gajdoš, Ľuboš; Garabík, R adovan; Benická, Jana. 2016. 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Bratislava. http://korpus.juls.savba.sk (accessed 28 December 2019). Tenenbaum, Joshua B.; de Silva, Vin, Langford, John C. 2000. A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Science 290/5500. 2319–2323. doi.org/10.1126/science.290.5500.2319. Vektorski prikaz riječi utemeljen na velikim mrežnim korpusima kao moćan leksikografski alat Sažetak Projekt Aranea sadržava niz usporednih korpusa za 24 (uglavnom europskih) jezika. On pruža prikladan skup podataka za aplikacije za obradu prirodnoga jezika (NLP) koje zahtijevaju učenje na velikoj količini podataka. U radu se prikazuju modeli vektorskoga prikaza riječi koji su uspostavljeni učenjem na korpusima Aranea te mrežno sučelje kako bi se propitali modeli i vizualizirali rezultati. To može biti korisno za leksikografsku praksu, ali i u drugim područjima leksikografskoga proučavanja jer je vektorski prostor vjerodostojan model semantičkoga prostora značenja riječi. Postoje tri moguća modela: prvi za kombinaciju vrste riječi i leme, drugi za sirove forme riječi i treći koji se temelji na algoritmu FastText koji upotrebljava vektore na razini nižoj od riječi i nije ograničen na cijele riječi ili poznate riječi pri pronalaženju semantičkih odnosa. U radu se opisuju sučelje i osnovni modeli njegova funkcioniranja, ali se ne pokušava provesti iscrpna jezična analiza prikazanih primjera. Keywords: corpus, word embedding, vector similarity, semantic similarity, web corpora, visualization Ključne riječi: korpus, vektorski prikaz riječi, vektorska sličnost, semantička sličnost, mrežni korpusi, vizualizacija 618 Garabik.indd 618 4.11.2020. 11:07:59