Unless otherwise stated, programs here are for linux. They may run on
other systems (mostly unices), but that is pure coincidence :-)
- shellver, WWW server written in bash
- efingerd, another finger daemon for linux.
- chlastmeter, keeps track of alcohol in your blood.
- xtell, send messages back and forth between linux
- pycmail, incoming mail sorter written in python.
- python-utmp, modules to access utmp from python.
- tomukas, linux mini-distribution.
- Wfd, finger daemon for windows 95/98.
- Hungarian fortunes.
- ecq , short and very ugly IRC script to use micq from
ircII command line.
- fosh, small and lightweight interactive shell.
- gtkctrlaltdel, GTK+ frontend to CTRL ALT DEL key
- pydf, colourised df(1)-clone written in python.
- pyftpd, ftp server written in python.
- pytris, two players console tetris clone, written in python.
- napyrc, Napster to IRC proxy, written in python.
- statfs, command-line wrapper for statfs(2).
Obsolete: incorporated into stat(1)
- Generic Colouriser, colouriser for everything: log
files, command outputs...
- serpento, dict server written in python.
- zshist, simple python script to read .zsh_history written with
EXTENDED_HISTORY option, and display the timestamp in a human-readable format.
As a bonus it will colourise the output.
- fonty-rg, set of console fonts for linux