Welcome to my homepage.
Click here to traceroute to your machine.
Slovenska verzia je tu.
Yes, this is my very own
homepage. Note that it is under construction
and will remain so. Also note that the information here is hopelessly outdated.
- Something about me. An obligatory part...
- Something not about me. Here is some
other stuff, sometimes interesting, sometimes not.
- Something about outside world. A few links
- Software. Some of my humble programs.
- Debian packages I maintain.
- My Sinclair ZX Spectrum page. The greatest computer
- Would you like to commit suicide, but can't
decide how ?
- Odds and ends. Various stuff I felt like making
available... unlike Something not about me, this
is not interesting at all...
If you want to express your positive feelings towards my person
or my www-page and you look like
you may do it personally.
But if you look
like this, do it only
this way. And if you happen to be as ugly as this,
do not even try to let me know that you exist.
This page is Lynx enhanced.
If it looks like crap in your
browser, I am sorry. Download
Lynx now!