Welcome to my homepage.

Slovenská verzia je tu.

(en) Note: as of November 2007, my mobile phone number has changed. To get the new number, replace '908' with '911'.
(sk) Pozor: v novembri 2007 sa mi zmenilo mobilné telefónne číslo. Nové číslo dostanete zámenou číslic '908' za '911'.
(unix) echo ^G; sed -e 's/908/911/g'

My original WWW homepage was created sometime in 1994, and you can access the copy (updated through the years, but basically the same) here.

Finally, in 2006, the time came to create a new version from scratch, the one you are looking at. The minimalistic approach to the formatting and style, as well as to the information content is intentional.

Given the recent trend in feudalizing the internet and ownership of (other's) human thoughts and ideas, I feel compelled to issue the following statement:
Unless otherwise stated, all the intellectual property on this page and subpages can be used and distributed according to the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. You may however discard the attribution to me, if you have a decent reason.

Something about me

My name is Radovan Garabík, pronounce (IPA) /'radɔvan 'garabiːk/ and I was born.
After uneventful childhood, marked by arrival of 8-bit computers, came fall of socialism, satellite TV, division of Czechoslovakia, Unicode, Linux, Windows 95, internet boom, spam, Viagra, mobile phones and discovery of extrasolar planets. I've been trying to hide away first by studying nuclear physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Comenius university in Bratislava. Then I was doing some aircraft simulator programming, until I switched to computational linguistics and currently I am working in the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Learn more from my personal FAQ page.

And the final remark:
If you multiply the number of letters of my first name with that of my surname and substract the date when I was born (either day or month), you'll get :
!!! 4 2 !!!

Items of various interest


You can contact me via e-mail: radovan.garabik @ kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk (note the spam protection)

My jabber/XMPP address is: garabik@jabber.juls.savba.sk

My work address is:

Radovan Garabík
Panská 26
813 64 Bratislava

I'll give you my home address and mobile phone number if you ask nicely :-)

My public GPG key is here, fingerprint: C1B8 D13D 3DF5 DF65 0C46 4EEE 6856 A4A6 40AF 3FD3

My old key is here, fingerprint: 9AF5 D8B0 862D 2224 4007 68DF 5014 09C6 A0FE 58B8

This page is 100% certified IMG, JAVA and CSS free. Best viewed with Lynx on decent utf-8 capable console. If it looks like crap in your browser, I am sorry. Download Lynx now!